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Thursday 18 July 2013

Manager Human Resource & Development - Joint Research Medical Centre in Entebbe

Job Title: Manager : Human Resource & Development

Joint Clinical Research Centre (JCRC) is a national Ugandan organization that was established in 1991 as a medical instruction and HIV AIDS Centre of Excellence specializing in medical research , health care and training .
A Post Graduate degree in Human Resource Management or Masters in Business Administration with a bias in HuMN Resource Management .
Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management
A Bachelors Degree in social sciences or other management courses
Membership in professional human resource associations is an added advantage .
Other Attributes
Knowledge of National employment (labour) laws
Knowledge of principles and practices governing compensation , performance management , employee relations , safety, training and development
Ability to work collaboratively with staff at all levels
Strong problem solving skills

How to apply
Applications and supporting documents including copies of academic qualifications and curriculum vitae indicating names , telephone contacts of three professional referees plus current salary should either be posted to ;
Human Resource Office , Joint Clinical Research Centre
Plot 101, Entebbe Road ,
P. O. Box 10005,
Deadline: 22 / 07 /2013