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Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Agribusiness Cluster Specialists - IFDC in Kampala

Agribusiness Cluster Specialists Jobs in Uganda
at IFDC in Kampala

The International Fertilizer Development Centre (IFDC) is a public international organization (PIO) governed by an international board of directors with representation from developed and developing nations .
Job Summary
Oversee the development of agribusiness Clusters for priority commodities-Cassava, rice (particularly paddy rice) and sunflower-as well as crops grown in association with these crops (usually rotations ).
The ABC specialist in Mbale should have a proven track record in the rice sector.
ABC specialists coordinate the identification, training and activation of agribusiness clusters (ABCs)
ABC s are defined as an all actors collaborating to build profile value chains (producers and their organizations, input suppliers, financial service providers , processors warehousing-value addition , traders-buyers-market, parties, business development services, others)
The agribusiness cluster approach is designed to support rural small holders to move from subsistence farming to farming as a business through a sustainable improvement in productivity and quality, leading to marketable surpluses and increased family incomes
How to apply
Complete position descriptions and application procedures can be found at www.ifdc.org\employment.
Deadline: 12 /04 /2013