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Thursday, 29 August 2013

Ugandan jobs Business Mentor in Uganda at GVEP International, Uganda

Job Title: Business Mentor –GVEP International, Uganda

City Kampala, ,
Country Uganda
Category:Business Development
Organization GVEP International, Uganda
Closing Date :  02 /09 /2013

Job Description:
GVEP  International  is  implementing  the Capital  Access  for  Renewable  Energy  Enterprises  project  funded  by Sida  and all  aspects  of this  program  which  will  support  the growth  of a  sustained  market  for  renewable energy.
The Role
To  work  closely  with  enterprises in the  energy sector  to assist  them in improving  their  business  and grow .
The  enterprises  require mentoring  in areas  such as  business  planning /forecasting , operations , access  to markets  for energy  products  and services, establishing  internal  systems  and  controls  and financing  opportunities

Minimum  of a  diploma  in marketing  or business  development  , economics, commerce, entrepreneurship, marketing  or related  business  studies  from  a recognized  institution

Minimum f 2 years experience in related fields, e.g.  business  plan preparation, financing , market  linkages  and supporting  supply  chains  , business  management , business  development  services , among  others.
Minimum  2 years  of experience  in  product  marketing  , particularly  in rural  settings
Ability to work on multiple tasks simultaneously with minimal supervision.
Good  communication  and  writing  skills
Ability  to create , impart  business  skills  and guide  an  enterprise  to achieve  the  desired success .
Possess license  to use  a motorbike  to travel extensively  for field  works.

How to apply
Interested  candidates should  send  in their  cover  letters  and detailed  CV, names  of  three referees , their  telephone  contacts  and email  addresses  via  email  only  to  recruitment@gvepinternational.org  so  as  to  reach us  on   Monday.