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Thursday, 29 May 2014

Technical Advisor - United Nations Development Programme Uganda

Vacancy: Technical Advisor
Recruiting Organisation: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Duty Station: Kampala,
Post Level:  SC-5

About UNDP:
As the UN system's development programme and a GEF Implementing Agency since 1991, UNDP supports countries in addressing development, climate, and ecosystem sustainability in an integrated manner.  As a GEF Implementing Agency, UNDP-GEF further offers countries highly specialized technical services for programme/project formulation, due diligence, mobilization of required co-financing, project implementation oversight, results management and evaluation, performance-based payments and knowledge management. UNDP-GEF’s Green, Low-emission, Climate-resilient Development Strategies team works to support countries to attract and direct public and private investment towards catalyzing and supporting sustainable economic growth through initiatives focused on integrated Climate Change Strategies, Advancing Cross-sectoral Climate Resilient Livelihoods and Strengthening Climate Information and addressing barriers to Climate Resilient Development.

Job Summary: The UNDP Technical Advisor will supervise and oversee the project activities and deliver the objective, outcomes and outputs of the project. The Technical Advisor shall technically support two projects implemented by MEMD i.e the Sustainable Charcoal project and the Sustainable Energy for ALL projects.

Steer the development of project design including preparation of consultants ‘and sub-contractors’ terms of reference. Identification and selection of national and international sub-contractors/consultants, cost estimation, time scheduling, contracting and reporting on project activities according to the Project Document (ProDoc) and project log frame;
Prepare and compile the project monitoring and evaluation plan and the sustainability plan;
Offer strategic guidance and direction to ensure the project’s progress towards the attainment of targeted outcomes and objectives;
Ensure that this GEF funded project implementation strategies and outputs contribute to securing global environmental benefits at all levels Ensure that the USE4All quantitative objectives are integrated as a sub-set of the broader objectives of the Energy Policy;
Ensure that the USE4All quantitative objectives are integrated as a sub-set of the broader objectives of the Energy Policy;
Preparation of the Inception Report;
Offer technical support to charcoal related policy discussions and development at national level;
Coordinate activities of consultants including contract management, direction and supervision of field operations, review of technical outputs/reports, measurement/assessment of project achievements and cost control;
Technically support the completion of evaluation reports (midterm, terminal etc.) to MEMD and UNDP/GEF, including elaboration of management responses;
Take lead in preparing the Annual Project review (APR/PIR to GEF;
Provide sound technical advice to the PMU and MEMD as the basis for implementing project components

The ideal candidate for the TA job opportunity above should possess a PhD or its equivalent in a relevant area such as Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, or Natural Resource Management  or Environmental studies.
At least ten years relevant work experience;

Skills and Experience:
At least five (5) years experience in the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency industry or climate change mitigation sector and working knowledge of the Ugandan energy sector with extensive contact in the public and private sectors and civil society organizations;
Past exposure and experience with Charcoal technologies and National Policy on Renewable Energy is advantageous;
Strategic planning and results-oriented management profile with strong reporting and financial management skills;
Good knowledge and understanding of climate change mitigation strategies and emission reduction benefits accruing from low-carbon energy activities;
Extensive knowledge of carbon financing mechanisms and improved charcoaling regulations and technologies, sustainable Forest management is added value;
Knowledge of innovative ways of increasing access to modern energy as well as energy efficiency and renewable energy in all sectors of the economy is also added value.
Language Requirements: Excellent written and fluent spoken English.

Personal Competencies:
1. Corporate Competencies:
Demonstrates integrity by modelling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
Treats all people fairly without favouritism;
Functional Competencies:
Promotes knowledge management in the project and a learning environment in the office through leadership and personal example;
In-depth practical knowledge of inter-disciplinary development issues;
Actively works towards continuing personal learning and development in one or more Practice Areas, acts on learning plan and applies newly acquired skills;
Seeks and applies knowledge, information, and best practices from within and outside of the project.
Development and Operational Effectiveness:
Ability to lead strategic planning, change processes, results-based management and reporting;
Ability to lead formulation, oversight of implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development projects;
Ability to apply development theory to the specific project context to identify creative, practical approaches to overcome challenging situations;
Ability to manage for results; translates strategic aims into achievable plans, with established priorities, monitors them, making periodic adjustments as required.
Management and Leadership:
Builds strong relationships with clients, focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to feedback;

If you believe you are one of the ideal candidates for this opportunity in working with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), then visit the web link below for full job details and How to Apply.

Click Here

NB: UNDP is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Qualified Women are encouraged to apply.

Deadline:  30th May 2014