Job Title Economic Evaluation
Recruiter m2m
City Kampala
Country Uganda
Closing date: 29 Nov 2013
Evaluating the outcomes and impact of the m2m “Mentor Mother Model” as implemented under the USAID-funded STAR-EC programme in Uganda, and determining the cost-benefit of scaling up the model and standard-of-care nationally. Founded in South Africa in 2001, mothers2mothers (m2m) is a partner in the United Nations’ Global Plan towards the Elimination of New HIV Infections among Children by 2015 and Keeping their Mothers Alive. m2m believes in the power of women to eliminate paediatric AIDS and create health and hope for themselves and their babies, families, and communities. m2m Uganda is one of m2m’s newest programmes, having launched in June 2010 as a sub-partner in JSI’s STAR-EC. Strengthening TB and HIV & AIDS Response in East Central Uganda (STAR-EC) is a six year, district based initiative funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and implemented by a consortium of five partners that include JSI Research and Training Institute, Inc. (JSI) as the prime partner, with mothers2mothers as one of four sub-partners.
m2m-South Africa in collaboration with JSI and the Ministry of Health in Uganda, is commissioning a full economic evaluation of m2m’s support services as implemented under the STAR-EC programme, and the cost benefit of scaling-up the “Mentor Mother Model” and standard-of-care nationally. This economic evaluation will build on an external evaluation of the health outcomes and impact, as well as the psycho-social wellbeing outcomes and impact associated with m2m’s work in Uganda, as part of the same scope of work.
Research firms / -institutions or research consortia with a proven track record in conducting full economic evaluations in Uganda are invited to participate in a competitive tender process. The full Terms of Reference with timelines and criteria for awarding the tender is available upon request from Please refer to “TOR: Economic Evaluation in Uganda” in the subject line.