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Thursday, 18 April 2013
Consultants - IFDC in Kampala
Job Title: Consultants
The International Fertilizer Development Center is a public international organization (PIO) governed by an international board of directors with representation from developed and developing nations .
• The baseline study will set benchmarks in selected Agribusiness clusters ,value chains and support establishment of a database for supporting the monitoring , evaluation and communication functions of the project. Specifically the baseline survey is to;
• Establish benchmarks for core indicators on the production push and market pull.
• Document new knowledge and important topics for further inquiry, action ,lobbying and influence
• Facilitate future measurement of changes and the impact of the project .
• Provide critical contextual factors that the project should be aware of
Scope of Work
• Provide baseline information on project indicators for measuring project effectiveness and project impact during and after completion of the project.
• Update indicators at the district aggregate level for the CATALIST-Uganda identified commodities .
• Provide data and information for developing Value Chain Development Plans for selected commodities at regional and national level in the future.
• Suggest necessary change /amendments and responsible in project result framework , if necessary .
How to apply
Detailed terms of Reference can be picked from the address below in no 6, by 4.00 pm 29th Arpil 2013
Bids must be hand delivered to the address below
International Fertilizer Development Center,(IFDC)
Plot 5 Bandali Rise , Bugolobi
Ground Floor, Studio House .
Deadline: 06/05 /2013